so I was hanging out with my friend Katie the other night and she introduced me to the blog world.. I am still not very familiar with it but I am excited to use it and get better at it.. I love to write, and I would love to keep in better touch with people. and this seems the easiest way to me.. Lets see where do I begin? I have been through quite a lot since highschool some good times some bad times but I would never change anything... I am currently working at a salon in Draper as a stylist and I really do love it, I am so happy that I finally let go of my fears and I found a career that I am good at and makes me happy. It is such a rewarding feeling to have people come to you for a complete change.. I enjoy making people happy, and other peoples lives stories are very interesting.. I feel like I have finally let go of my party past, and I am ready to grow up.. It has been a hard transition but I know that its the most positive move I could make.. I live with my amazing boyfriend Bobby, I cant believe that I finally found the guy that was made for me.. We just fit, and I our relationship is getting stronger everyday.. Dont get me wrong we have fought o boy have we fought ha ha but We are meant to be together, and no one said it was going to be easy.. I just couldnt imagine my life without him, he makes me want to be a better person.. I just cant believe the girl I used to be has become the girl I am today.. I am happy to say that I have kept in touch with my highschool friends some more than others but I know we will be friends forever.. They almost all are married and they have the most adorable babies it is so wierd for me to think that one day I might have a mini me walking around... It is a very scary thought... I also have made some amazing new friends along the way.. I definitely am blessed I have an incredible family and the 3 adorable nieces and a nephew that is a mouth on legs ha he is a riot... The 1st time he met Bobby he grilled him, and then let him know he wasnt too sure about Bobby Hansen, but now he just adores him.. All the kids do, kenna cant say his name so she calls him Bobby Handsome its pretty much the cutest.. He is so great with kids, I am so proud of him for going for his dream and becoming a teacher... It may not be the best income but to know that you could be the biggest influence in someones life is priceless. I strongly believe you must do what you love and love what you do... I am going to make bobby post something(eventhough he doesnt think he has much to say ha ha) Cause this is our blog ;) I hope everyone has a great day!
That gave me the chills
Congratulations! I hope you know how proud I am of you and all your accomplishments. I am so happy to see you happy with yourself and your life.... I'm happy to have YOU back!
I must say that i'm quite teary reading that post. I'm SO proud of you Muggs.I want to give Bobby a big kiss for helping you to realize what a wonderful person you are! And just to let you know...VODKA is bad for everyone. ha ha.
I love you and look forward making more fun memories.
I love you, I love Bobby. You both are so beautiful and are lucky to have each other. And boy am I lucky to have you. Bobby, you are going to be an amazing teacher!!
I agree with the other girls, you are such a great girl, and you always deserved to be happy... you just never believed you could be! Welcome to the blogging world.
Oh this picture reminds me that my memory of Bobby is when he paid for our desserts. Now there is the fastest way to my heart, food! I just thought that was so sweet! Im so happy that you two found each other! Isooivit Ok so that was ment for the word verification thing, I thought it was funny that I typed it in the wrong spot, so Im leaving it there HA!
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