I just wanted to write a little blog to my friends.... I cant believe that we have been friends for as long as we have! I just love that we can get together once a year(it better be more often) and it feels like its only been a couple days.. Like lauren said I am now more sure than ever that we will all be friends forever.. I have some of my best memories with these girls, and a couple of the crew couldnt make it(erin Melissa, Becca) but I am hoping that we can all get together more often, even if its just 2 of us.. Its nice to have that comfort of knowing that I found the group of people I am going to grow old with! I am sad that I didnt get to see the shady guy walk Katie to her car, ha ha but I am sure there will be more randomness to come.. SO thank you girls for being some of the best friends a girl could ask for!
Such good times! And yes we need to make sure we make this happen more! Last night was fun too, even if my IQ is lower than it was before, it was still a pretty damn funny movie!
yay for new blogging friends! I have added you to my page as well. :) Hopefully we can hang out again soon!
Oh wow, yes I do remember that night... all though it might be better if I didn't haha!
I can't complain about getting up at 5:30 cause Brady is usually already gone by the time I get up. 5:30 would be sleeping in for him.
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