these are some shots from my Vegas trip with my Bridesmaids it was a great trip very relaxing and filled with some fun times, and our Wendover Bachelorette Party THE BEST PARTY EVER, and a Bridal shower that was so much fun... I definitely had some good times, and some not so good times planning this wedding ha ha

I married My best Friend- the wedding turned out Beautiful, The Point was an Amazing spot that was perfect for us. we went up to PC for a great relaxing weekend that was DEF much needed... Married life has been great pretty much the same ha- I feel weird saying I have a husband but I love being called Megg Hansen... And NO we have no baby plans in our near future, so stop asking or telling us that we need to have them we are enjoying each other and have no need to rush into having children :)

I miss Tucker- he was a good Puppy, and I wish he would have been able to live a longer healthier life.. he was Always so happy to see me, and loved to go on walks and eat anything and everything in sight...
I love Pride Festival- its a good time with good people, high energy and just overall fun.. I simply adore my gays especially my boyfriend Dallin- I hope one day to be in his and Ryans wedding hint hint :) and seriously look how long my hair was ha ha Crazy!
NYC is still my favorite city my next life I will live there : ) Synergy was amazing, I am grateful for all the opportunities being a Pure Artist has given me, thank you Joanna for coming with me and To the Brown Family for getting me home Thank god ha ha
ANd This Is Blake Lively Hansen- She was Born On June 24th( her and Irie are birthday friends) We love her, she seems like she is getting so big, but she is still small.. I love how excited she gets every time I come home, it just puts a smile on my face and when I take her running at sugarhouse and she gets running so fast she rolls down the grass hills.. She is a Min Pin/Pomeranian and I couldnt ask for a better puppy.. She has taken on Potty training quite well and has definitely taught us a lot about being responsible for another living thing...She is our Baby and we love love love her!!
Here are a couple races I was in the summer- the Dirty Dash it was a 10k race, it was fun and hard up hill mudslides and o so dirrty, and then the marathon Relay- I actually have been training this yr and learning to enjoy running so I took off 10 min this yr and was 1st on our team and I also took 13 min off my 2nd SLC 1/2 Marathon-Go ME!!!!!!!!!
Well there ya go, hope you all enjoy the Hansen's life!!!
First I have to ask, is that a shake weight? HA HA HA I can't believe how big blake is! I can't wait to see her this weekend again! You are such a beautiful family. :) I love you!
yay! i'm so glad to see that the wedding got blogged :) love your cute lil' puppy -- want to meet your baby when i'm in utah next!
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