As most of you all know my Mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she found out Tues Nov 24th. She kept this secret with my Dad for a week, she didnt want it to be involved with birthdays, and thanksgiving. We all got together as a family on Sun Nov 29th, and that is a day I will never forget. I knew that she had gone into the doctor, and when I asked her about it after she said everything was fine, I knew something was wrong but then life just kind of kept going on. Well Sunday the world literally stopped, and it really hasnt completely started again. She went in to have surgery on Dec 9th, 2009 and we were all sure that we caught it early that she was going to just be able to get it removed, and then just have radiation for 6 weeks. Well the cancer has spread and it has spread to her lymph nodes, and so they had to remove those also, and now she will need to have chemotherapy treatments. :( this is something we wanted to avoid, it just takes this to a whole other level. It just really is crazy to even think that we are talking about my Mom. The doctor will get back to her in a couple days with the test results, and we will find out if it has spread anywhere else and then what treatments she will have to endure to fight this. Everyone that knows my mom knows just how strong she is, she has to be she raised me and my 2 sisters ha ha we haven't been easy! It was crazy when I got engaged we planned everything for the wedding so fast, and I was surprised on how easy everything was just falling into place and now I now I know why. We now can put all of our energy into fighting this, the wedding will work itself out and my Mom will be there and she will be beautiful and I cant wait to tell everyone that my hero has now kicked cancers butt. Thank you to everyone for being there for me and for my mom and family. Please keep her in your thoughts and in your prayers. I will try and keep you updated as much as I can. Just know we will all be walking/running a 5k on May 08, 2010 at Gateway for Breast Cancer. :)

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