So Just some wedding updates... I am so happy, and seriously so lucky to have the friends and people in my life that I do.. We put a deposit down on our photographer, and he is AMAZING, but other than that he is giving us an Incredible deal. I am so happy, because he is insanely talented.. We are having the best d jay in town,(thanks to me being bff with the most awesome person ever!!) and I am so excited to show off some dance moves, Carl you ready to vamp!? Also one of my friends/clients that I have known since the Oyster bar days came in to the salon Wed, and let me know that she would like to make our wedding cake as a gift to us!! WHAT, ya I know Awesome and I am getting a number for the lady in charge of flowers at Costco and we will be making our own arrangements for wholesale..She also knows the people in charge at the Point, so she is going to be able to help us get a good staff and the help and everything we need. :) So yes I am a very lucky girl, thank you so much Laura and Randy, Carl, My parents, my beautiful bridesmaids and of course Bobby for helping me plan this very memorable, fabulous day!!...

Here are a couple pics of the cakes I have narrowed it down to, the flowers will be tulips, and lilies deep rich colors and ribbbons brown or champagne, so imagine that no Roses lol!!.. We are putting the deposit down for the Point on Nov 6th,and hopefully getting an idea on the menu..(which we have decided we just need to put it on paper) My dress should be ready in about 1 month so I am excited to see it in Ivory and get it all altered, and hopefully in December I can get all the ladies together to try on some dresses. and one more thing Congratulations is in order to my best friend and favorite colorado family for being Pregnant!! I love you guys, I can't wait for another little Sokia to be running around..
We love you! Thank you. And don't forget you are having the best Deejay in town! :)
i LOVE the cakes! i can't wait to see the real thing! :)
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